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Circle of 13

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Make love not war - a pretty good excuse for a Holiday

Hey Baby lets Make Love for World Peace!

Make love not war has a new meaning now.  Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffell founders of   Baring Witness want everyone around the world to enjoy the BIG O together.

Fox news has the storywith complete details. Basically this group wants you to orgasm war away. Their idea is If everyone around the world gets together at the exact moment of the Winter Solstice (Friday at 6:08 GMT) this will increase the good vibes around the world. They are asking people who live in  countries with Weapons of Mass Destruction to pay particular attention to this day in order to gather up the positive energy to annihilate the bad energy these weapons create.  They call it: “instantaneous surge of human biological, mental and spiritual energy” 

Now my first question is for George W Bush does Iraq fall into the category of a country with WMD’s or have we finally come to the point that we can safely say they are not one of the countries that should pay particular attention to the BIG O day?

Secondly this is a pretty good excuse for a Holiday. I mean Talk like a Pirate Day is fun and all but it was never the perfect excuse to get you laid. I don’t know if I’m in line with all of Baring Witness’s ideas but they are going down the right path on this one. I can hear guys around the world now in many languages on Friday: “But baby it’s world orgasm day I’m not asking you to suck it for me … It’s all in the name of peace.” Laugh if you want but find yourself a little hippie girl and she might just jump all over this idea.

So Zombie Chatter readers remember Fornication Friday is coming and hopefully you will be too!



Momentum Building for Cheney Impeachment

Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel

In the space of a few days, nearly 100,000 people have already signed onto a call by Congressman Robert Wexler to begin impeachment hearings for Dick Cheney. Please add your name and encourage everyone you know to add theirs. Please send this link to every list you can:

Hear Congressman Robert Wexler Live Online at 9 p.m. EST, Thursday, December 20th
Florida Progressive Radio, hosted by Kenneth Quinnell of the Florida Netroots Caucus and the Florida Progressive Coalition. Listen live at
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/fpc and http://www.wexlerwantshearings.com

Rep. Wexler and other House Judiciary Committee members have opened up the possibility of impeachment hearings for Dick Cheney. There are now at least 8 members of the committee on board. Six of them are among the 24 co-sponsors of Congressman Dennis Kucinich's resolution to impeach Cheney. Learn more, and ask your representative to co-sponsor and call for hearings at http://www.impeachcheney.org
